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Aantal gebruikers die bij dit concert waren:147
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08/07/2008, Oslo Noorwegen

Valle Hovin


   1 Night
   2 Out In The Street
   3 Radio Nowhere
   4 Adam Raised A Cain
   5 Spirit In The Night
   6 Growin' Up
   7 You Can Look (But You Better Not Touch)
   8 The Promised Land
   9 If I Should Fall Behind
   10 I'll Work For Your Love
   11 Roulette
   12 Trapped
   13 Murder Incorporated
   14 Working On The Highway
   15 Livin' In The Future
   16 Mary's Place
   17 Waitin' On A Sunny Day
   18 From Small Things (Big Things One Day Come)
   19 The Rising
   20 Born In The U.S.A.
   21 Last To Die
   22 Long Walk Home
   23 Badlands
   24 Girls In Their Summer Clothes
   25 Hungry Heart
   26 Thunder Road
   27 Born To Run
   28 Bobby Jean
   29 American Land
   30 Twist and Shout
wereldpremière Premiere this country tourpremière persoonlijke première
Lengte concert: onbekend
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Aantal gebruikers die bij dit concert waren: 147