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22/05/2014, Pittsburgh, PA Verenigde Staten

Soldiers & Sailors Memorial Hall


   1 Mary Queen Of Arkansas
   2 Two For The Road
   3 Kingdom of Days
   4 Adam Raised A Cain
   5 Never Be Enough Time
   6 Racing In The Street
   7 Pumpin’ Iron
   8 Leap Of Faith
   9 I Still Look Good (For Sixty)
   10 Darkness On the Edge Of Town
   11 Frankie Fell In Love
   12 Hearts Of Stone
   13 Savin' Up
   14 Talking To The King
   15 Leavin' Train
   16 The Promised Land
   17 Code Of Silence
   18 I Was Born To Rock
   19 Light Of Day
   20 The Wall
   21 Incident On 57th Street
wereldpremière Premiere this country tourpremière persoonlijke première
Lengte concert: onbekend
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Aantal gebruikers die bij dit concert waren: 42