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19/10/1995, Philadelphia, PA Verenigde Staten

The Electric Factory


   1 What Did You Do In The War (met: Joe Grushecky and the Houserockers)
   2 Talking To The King (met: Joe Grushecky and the Houserockers)
   3 Chain Smokin' (met: Joe Grushecky and the Houserockers)
   4 Labor Of Love (met: Joe Grushecky and the Houserockers)
   5 Never Be Enough Time (met: Joe Grushecky and the Houserockers)
   6 Murder Incorporated (met: Joe Grushecky and the Houserockers)
   7 Mustang Sally (met: Joe Grushecky and the Houserockers)
   8 Dark and Bloody Ground (met: Joe Grushecky and the Houserockers)
   9 Pumpin’ Iron (met: Joe Grushecky and the Houserockers)
   10 American Babylon (met: Joe Grushecky and the Houserockers)
   11 Homestead (met: Joe Grushecky and the Houserockers)
   12 Light Of Day (met: Joe Grushecky and the Houserockers)
   13 Brown Eyed Girl (met: Joe Grushecky and the Houserockers)
   14 Down The Road A Piece (met: Joe Grushecky and the Houserockers)
   15 Rebel Music (met: Joe Grushecky and the Houserockers)
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Lengte concert: onbekend
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Aantal gebruikers die bij dit concert waren: 11